Why I created the 432 Activists documentary

432  Activists is the independent documentary of February 2018 that brought together for the first time the leading online activists who defend the importance of the number 432 and its relationship with music. And now I’m going to tell you how I got into this movement.

I’m the son of musicians and I’ve been working professionally with audio for 23 years. When I was 9 my mother passed away and I ended up away from music for 10 years. Coming back through work on radio stations, as DJ and with audio editing. At 30 I decided to make my songs and deepened my studies in music theory, history, science and technology.

At the end of 2012 I came across for the first time with someone defending the 432 tuning. I don’t remember who it was, but that caught my attention because I realized that, like me, many music professionals and especially the general public did not know about other tunings and temperaments. But it was only in 2014, after giving up and resuming studies on 432 a few times, that I really realized its importance.

I usually download and watch the videos I’m studying within the editing programs, so I realized that I already had a pre-documentary and that I needed to show it to more people. It’s been 4 years researching and editing the best videos I found on the internet of 14 activist musicians, scientists and therapists. Where I summarized your stories and your main arguments. All those who participated accepted and some collaborated by sending more material. Only one of the guests preferred not to participate.

The greatest merit of the documentary was that it presented among themselves the various scenes that defend this number and this musical tuning, but I knew when I released it, that it still did not answer all the questions. Since then I have deepened my studies and new revolutionary activists have appeared. And now it’s time to produce more content!


1 Scientific Pitch, Giuseppe Verdi and Schiller Institute
2CARisMA Guitar Duo
3The ISAACS Nature’s Symphony in 432
4Lynda Arnold and Torkom Ji on California Healing Scene
5Stellar and Health of Devine Human Voice
6Awaken Love Band and Sri Prem Baba
7 – GianMarco Sanna and The Geminiani Project
8Giordano Sandalo and Bagno di Suono
9ZuMusic and Ayahuasca
10Ananda Bosman and Merkaba Music on Psytrance Scene
11Jamie Buturff and Chakra Tones
12 – John Stuart Reid and Cymascope
13 Jain 108 and Sacred Geometry
14 – The Birth of Mathematical Mythologies

Read some excerpts from the 432 Activists documentary:

“-What happens if the tuning is arbitrarily raised from C = 256 Hz? The octaves divides in the wrong place and destroys the geometry of the musical system, destroys the agreement between music and the laws of the universe, and finally destroys the human voice itself.”Jonathan Tennenbaum – The Foundations of Scientific Musical Tuning. Published on Schiller Institute website in 1992

“- When i sing in 432 I can reach the Soprano and the Coltralto. It allows my voice to simply open and actually fly. Giving me an incredible tone that i can never reach in the standard picth tuned at 440 Hz” – Stellar “- The kind of music you hear certainly has an impact. But even the frequency of the music you hear has an impact. This is crazy. We recorded the entire album on 432 instead of 440 because this is the nature’s frequency” – The ISSACS. Natures Frequency in 432, Grammy 2017 nominated.

“- The violin screamed in my ear and I did not understand why. So I decided to do another diploma, in viola. And the viola also screamed … It was not the violin and it was not the viola. It was the frequency.” – GianMarco Sanna

“- When you really start listening, after returning to 440, you notice that something is wrong. It’s like the difference between organic and industrialized food. This is the next step of music. Of the sound.”Matan Dahan, 432 Player App.

“- In the Cymascope App we can make the comparison between any note tuned at 440 and the same note tuned at 432. The least stable tuning in the cimatic patterns is the 440 … If we magnify a water molecule, we can literally see the pattern on the surface of the cells. Now we know that all the sounds around us go through our body. Just like music. Especially the bass sounds. Creating structures in the fluid of our body. And this has a huge implication for medical science.” – John Stuart Reid

“- Psytrance Festivals happening at the same time in different locations, tuned at 432 Hz. With 72 or 144 BPM that are the carrier wave that allows 8 Hz to be intentionally woven into cells; Accessing this source code in our sound, in our music and in our practices is the renaissance. Psytrance is a massive resurgence of the healing of species that are overloaded by technological information. We are the shamanic pioneers for the unconscious of this modernity. This is the future, it is inevitable. This is a better Trance. A better dance. A better party”.Ananda Bosman

“- The tuning 432 Hz creates intervals and tones that have harmonic effects on the human being. Similar to Rudolf Steiner suggested the pitch set to C = 256 Hz gives the A note the value of 432 Hz. That is why it was called the “Philosopher’s C” because it was a Celebration of Advanced Human Knowledge being in tune with the Cosmos, Time and Space.”Jain 108

“- Mathematical mythologies were born when men began to count the astrological cycles. The most important mythological number in the story is 432,000.”Joseph Campbell

“- Twenty years ago when the Schiller Institute started I was shocked by the big names. Today, if you go on YouTube or Facebook, there are people from Russia, I have a colleague in Bulgaria, in Brazil … Italy is full of people crazy about 432. This is spreading very fast.”GianMarco Sanna

Help me make more 432 Hz content with some financial support. Thank you 🙂
