
THE MUSICAL WAVE OF TIME – 24 Chakra Tones by Toni Mazzotti (discovery by Robert E Grant)

On January 20, 2024, the meditative album The Musical Wave Of Time was released, which musically explores over 60 uninterrupted minutes, the connections between the musical notes, the colors and the times of the day, discovered by Robert E Grant. The complete study presents 24 Chakra Tones, also grouped into 7 Chakra Songs referring to each basic chakra, and in addition also 2 versions of 30 minutes each, one only with the quarters of tones referring to 432 Hz and the other with those referring to 528 Hz, all in Precise Temperament Tuning. The tuning files, images and a PDF table are also available for download.

More info here.

These are my first 3 original musical experiments made for SWAM Instruments from Audio Modeling. The Italian virtual instrument company that is standing out with an innovative sound modeling technology. A type of sound synthesis that mimics in real time all the nuances of orchestral acoustic instruments, such as woodwinds brass and strings.

These songs are tuned to 432 Hz and use Precise Temperament calculated by Robert E. Grant, released in July 2020. Read more.

00:00 – Ana’s Song – Emotional Strings and Flutes

01:31 – Bossa Novíssima – Tonguing Flutes and Strings Pizzicatos

03:17 – Cinematic – Screaming Strings and Bending Flutes

Music, logo and video created for the 11th edition of ENTRANCE, made by NuACT (Núcleo de Arte e Cultura Transcendental). An alternative medium event that is one of the pioneers and most traditional in psytrance scene in Brazil, completing 17 years in 2022.

The soundtrack was written using Precise Temperament Tuning, made for 432 Hz. With bpm rising wavy from 60 to 144. And with the root note A. See and rear the differences between Precise Temperament, Equal Temperament, Pythagorean and Just Intonation in my Blog.


Scrirp by Pedro Resende (Shekinah)
Video, logo and Music by Toni Mazzotti
Precise Temperament Tuning (432 Hz)
AI Voices by Replica Studios
